Homework: TOP TIPS Poster

Ashleigh Hall was a 17-year-old girl from Darlington who was murdered when she met a man over the internet.
To try and prevent anything like this from happening again, design a TOP TIPS poster of how to stay safe online when using Social Networking sites.

Ashleigh Hall

Below is a newspaper article about a local girl who was murdered in Darlington.

She was involved in a similar situation as the video you just watched.
Read the newspaper article and create a poster to try to inform other students (Ages 11-17) how to stay safe online.

The Article:

What are your top tips?
Ashleigh Hall: 'one mistake' cost a teenager her life Ashleigh Hall told her mother she was going to sleep at a friend’s house when she arranged a secret meeting with a stranger pretending to be a teenage boy on the internet social networking site.

Within hours she had been kidnapped, raped, and killed by Peter Chapman who dumped her body in a field close to a little restaurant on the outskirts of Sedgefield, Co Durham. 

Her mother Andrea said: “She wasn’t a bad kid, she wasn’t naughty. She made one mistake and paid for it with her life.” 

Ashleigh, 17, was in her final year of a child care course at Darlington College and was aiming for a career as a nursery nurse (take care of kids). 

She was well-liked by her peers and, like other teenagers, her mobile phone and the internet had a major part in her everyday life. 

Mrs. Hall, 39, has urged the operators of Facebook and other social networking sites to help safeguard against perverts targeting vulnerable youngsters online.

Your poster should be colorful with important information and good advice to avoid situations like this one.
Poster size: A3 or a Digital poster

Examples of TOP TIPS Posters

TOP TIPS Poster  TOP TIPS Poster  TOP TIPS Poster TOP TIPS Poster 



Online Submission:

Upload your poster to my dropbox

1. Save the file as: class_nick name_online life

2.16_Zoro_online life.docx

2. Click here to upload: UPLOAD
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